Hey, thanks for visiting! I'm Ananya.


I'm a Computer and Communications Engineering graduate from Manipal Institute of Technology and a Software Engineer at Microsoft India Development Centre.

My undergrad at MIT Manipal (2016-2020) was a transformative journey of self-exploration. Outside academics, I pursued my passion to use technology for building innovative products that solve real-world problems. During my second year of college, I built an application called 'Ghar Ke Chefs' that enables people to buy/sell homemade food in their neighborhood. The idea and the working product received many accolades at hackathons like Microsoft code.fun.do, GeeksforGeeks ProGeekCup and college tech-fests. More importantly, the feedback received through these events as well as real users helped improve the app in every iteration - customer obsession was the key to success.

I was also actively involved in student clubs, women in tech communities, tech conferences, and events. I was one of the founding board members of the ACM-W Manipal chapter and was selected as a GHCI'19 student scholar. After my third year, I moved to Hyderabad to intern at Microsoft for the summer where I received a return 6-month internship and a pre-placement offer. On the personal front, I enjoy reading, traveling, and good tea :)

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